IMPAcT Colloquium on Late Medieval and Early Modern Islamicate Intellectual History, 11 December 2014
IMPAcT Colloquium on Late Medieval and Early Modern Islamicate Intellectual History, 11 December 2014
Giovanni Maria Martini
Shape shifting: ‘Alā’ al-Dawla al-Simnānī’s (d. 736/1336) Self-Translations and Perso-Arabic Audiences
Talal Al-Azem
Al-Nuʿaymī’s (d. 927/1521) al–Dāris fī tārīkh al-madāris: A Preliminary Analysis
Walter Young
A Dialectic on Definitions: the Aristotelian Analyses of Quṭb al-Dīn al-Kīlānī (d. ca. 830/1427) in his Commentary on the Risāla fī Ādāb al-Baḥth
Christopher Markiewicz
Form Follows Function: Idrīs Bidlīsī’s Approach to Writing History at the Ottoman Court (907-919/1502-1513)
Judith Pfeiffer